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The heart of a champion will always prevail!

Despite a slow start for the NCR Metro Stars, the National Capital Region still reigned...

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New DepEd Mantra Emphasizes Resilience, Integrity, Service, and Excellence

In a poignant address delivered during the Flag Raising Ceremony on January 29, 2024, at...

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1Learning Engagement with Regional ExecutiveLearning Engagement with Regional ExecutiveCommittee (REXeCom) Event Manager – OARD Participants: Division Chiefs and Unit Section Heads Celebrating life, Progress, Milestones & Holistic WellbeingCelebrating life, Progress, Milestones & Holistic WellbeingEvent Manager: HRDD Participants: Personnel, Program Owner, All ROP Continous Regional Office Fitness and Wellness ActivitiesContinous Regional Office Fitness and Wellness ActivitiesHealth Hour Monitoring of ROP BP, Weight and Blood Sugar Level Event Manager: HRDD Participants: All ROP 2HR ConvergenceHR ConvergenceEvent Manager: HRDD Participants: All ROP 3HR ConvergenceHR ConvergenceEvent Manager: HRDD Participants: All ROP Regular BAC Meeting (Pre-Procurement/ Pre-BiddingRegular BAC Meeting (Pre-Procurement/ Pre-BiddingRegular BAC Meeting (Pre-Procurement/ Pre-Bidding Conferences) /Opening of Bids for the Bidding & AMP Projects Event Manager: OARD Participants: BAC, BAC-TWG, BAC Secretariat, End-users 4ROP Risk Management and Validation (2nd Quarter)ROP Risk Management and Validation (2nd Quarter)Event Manager: PPRD Participants: Risk focal from Legal, ICT, PAU, PPRD, FTAD, CLMD, ESSD 5ROP Risk Management and Validation (2nd Quarter)ROP Risk Management and Validation (2nd Quarter)Event Manager: PPRD Participants: Risk focal from Legal, ICT, PAU, PPRD, FTAD, CLMD, ESSD Regional Parents-Teachers Association ForumRegional Parents-Teachers Association ForumEvent Manager: ESSD Participants: RO Officials, ESSD Team, Division Parents-Teachers Association Presidents 6 7
8Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Continous Regional Office Fitness and WellnessContinous Regional Office Fitness and WellnessActivities Health Hour Monitoring of ROP BP, Weight and Blood Sugar Level Event Manager: HRDD Participants: 164 Regional Office Personnel Celebrating life, Progress, Milestones & Holistic WellbeingCelebrating life, Progress, Milestones & Holistic WellbeingEvent Manager: HRDD Participants: ALL ROP 9Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads 10Writeshop on the Enhancement of DEPEDWriteshop on the Enhancement of DEPEDNCR PRAISE Policy Guidelines Event Manager: HRDD Participants: HRDD, PRAISE Committee, Selected Teachers, School Heads, PSDS, EPS, Chiefs, SEPS, EPS II Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Regular BAC Meeting (Pre-Procurement/ Pre-BiddingRegular BAC Meeting (Pre-Procurement/ Pre-BiddingConferences) /Opening of Bids for the Bidding & AMP Projects Event Manager: OARD Participants: AC, BAC-TWG, BAC Secretariat, End-users 11Writeshop on the Enhancement of DEPEDWriteshop on the Enhancement of DEPEDNCR PRAISE Policy Guidelines Event Manager: HRDD Participants: HRDD, PRAISE Committee, Selected Teachers, School Heads, PSDS, EPS, Chiefs, SEPS, EPS II Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads RMEA Plus Quarterly MeetingsRMEA Plus Quarterly MeetingsEvent Manager: QAD Participants: RD, ARD, FD Chiefs, RMEA Plus Advocates, QAD 12Writeshop on the Enhancement of DEPEDWriteshop on the Enhancement of DEPEDNCR PRAISE Policy Guidelines Event Manager: HRDD Participants: HRDD, PRAISE Committee, Selected Teachers, School Heads, PSDS, EPS, Chiefs, SEPS, EPS II Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads 13 14
15Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Senior Staff ConvergenceSenior Staff ConvergenceEvent Manager: OARD Participants: Division Chiefs, Unit/Section Heads, Education Program Supervisors Continous Regional Office Fitness and WellnessContinous Regional Office Fitness and WellnessActivities Health Hour Monitoring of ROP BP, Weight and Blood Sugar Level Event Manager: HRDD Participants: 164 ROP employees Celebrating life, Progress, Milestones & Holistic WellbeingCelebrating life, Progress, Milestones & Holistic WellbeingEvent Manager: HRDD Participants: ALL ROP Screening of sports documents of Palaro delegatesScreening of sports documents of Palaro delegatesEvent Manager: ESSD Participants: RO Officials, ESSD Team, RSAC 16Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Facilitation of Quarterly Management Review MeetingFacilitation of Quarterly Management Review MeetingEvent Manager: QAD Participants: RD, ARD, CESs, Unit/Section Heads, EPSs, Secretariat 17Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Learnig engagement with 16 SDOs Fianance StaffLearnig engagement with 16 SDOs Fianance Staffon the Preparation and Consolidation of Midyear Financial Reports Event Manager: Finance Division Participants: SDO Accountants, SDO Budget Officers and ROP Finance Staff Regular BAC Meeting (Pre-Procurement/ Pre-BiddingRegular BAC Meeting (Pre-Procurement/ Pre-BiddingConferences) /Opening of Bids for the Bidding & AMP Projects Event Manager: OARD Participants: BAC, BAC-TWG, BAC Secretariat, End-users 18Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Learnig engagement with 16 SDOs Fianance StaffLearnig engagement with 16 SDOs Fianance Staffon the Preparation and Consolidation of Midyear Financial Reports Event Manager: Finance Division Participants: SDO Accountants, SDO Budget Officers and ROP Finance Staff Convergence – 1st SemesterConvergence – 1st SemesterEvent Manager: CLMD Participants: CLMD, CID Chiefs and Learning Areas EPSs 19Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Learnig engagement with 16 SDOs Fianance StaffLearnig engagement with 16 SDOs Fianance Staffon the Preparation and Consolidation of Midyear Financial Reports Event Manager: Finance Division Participants: SDO Accountants, SDO Budget Officers and ROP Finance Staff 20 21
22Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Seminar Workshop on the Preparation of Semi-Seminar Workshop on the Preparation of Semi-Annual Financial Reports for FY 2024 Event Calendar: Finance Division Participants: Chief,/SAO, Accountants and Budget Officers Midyear Review and EvaluationMidyear Review and EvaluationEvent Manager: PPRD Participants: FD Chiefs, Performance Management Team Continous Regional Office Fitness and WellnessContinous Regional Office Fitness and WellnessActivities Health Hour Monitoring of ROP BP, Weight and Blood Sugar Level Event Manager: HRDD Participants: 164 Regional Office Personnel Celebrating life, Progress, Milestones & Holistic WellbeingCelebrating life, Progress, Milestones & Holistic WellbeingEvent Manager: HRDD Participants: ALL ROP 23Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Seminar Workshop on the Preparation of Semi-Seminar Workshop on the Preparation of Semi-Annual Financial Reports for FY 2024 Event Calendar: Finance Division Participants: Chief,/SAO, Accountants and Budget Officers Seminar Workshop on the Finalization of FARs 1Seminar Workshop on the Finalization of FARs 1and 1A for 2nd quarter of FY 2024 Event Manager: Finance Division Participants: Budget Officers 24Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Seminar Workshop on the Preparation of Semi-Seminar Workshop on the Preparation of Semi-Annual Financial Reports for FY 2024 Event Calendar: Finance Division Participants: Chief,/SAO, Accountants and Budget Officers Seminar Workshop on the Finalization of FARs 1Seminar Workshop on the Finalization of FARs 1and 1A for 2nd quarter of FY 2024 Event Manager: Finance Division Participants: Budget Officers Writeshop on the Enhancement of DEPED NCRWriteshop on the Enhancement of DEPED NCRPRAISE Policy Guidelines Event Manager: HRDD Participants: HRDD, Praise Committee, Selected Teachers, SH, PSDS, EPS, SEPS, EPS II, Chiefs Regular BAC Meeting (Pre-Procurement/ Pre-BiddingRegular BAC Meeting (Pre-Procurement/ Pre-BiddingConferences) /Opening of Bids for the Bidding & AMP Projects Event Manager: OARD Participants: BAC, BAC-TWG, BAC Secretariat, End-users 25Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Seminar Workshop on the Preparation of Semi-Seminar Workshop on the Preparation of Semi-Annual Financial Reports for FY 2024 Event Calendar: Finance Division Participants: Chief,/SAO, Accountants and Budget Officers Seminar Workshop on the Finalization of FARs 1Seminar Workshop on the Finalization of FARs 1and 1A for 2nd quarter of FY 2024 Event Manager: Finance Division Participants: Budget Officers Writeshop on the Enhancement of DEPED NCRWriteshop on the Enhancement of DEPED NCRPRAISE Policy Guidelines Event Manager: HRDD Participants: HRDD, Praise Committee, Selected Teachers, SH, PSDS, EPS, SEPS, EPS II, Chiefs 26Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Seminar Workshop on the Preparation of Semi-Seminar Workshop on the Preparation of Semi-Annual Financial Reports for FY 2024 Event Calendar: Finance Division Participants: Chief,/SAO, Accountants and Budget Officers Seminar Workshop on the Finalization of FARs 1Seminar Workshop on the Finalization of FARs 1and 1A for 2nd quarter of FY 2024 Event Manager: Finance Division Participants: Budget Officers Writeshop on the Enhancement of DEPED NCRWriteshop on the Enhancement of DEPED NCRPRAISE Policy Guidelines Event Manager: HRDD Participants: HRDD, Praise Committee, Selected Teachers, SH, PSDS, EPS, SEPS, EPS II, Chiefs 27 28
29Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Maintenance and Improvement of DepEd NCRMaintenance and Improvement of DepEd NCRPR1ME Performance Management System Event Manager: HRDD Participants: System Developers, HRDD Chief, PMS Focal Person Maintenance and Improvement of DepEd NCRMaintenance and Improvement of DepEd NCRPR1ME Learning and Development Information System Event Manager: HRDD Participants: System Developers, HRDD Chief, LDIS Focal Person Continous Regional Office Fitness and WellnessContinous Regional Office Fitness and WellnessActivities Health Hour Monitoring of ROP BP, Weight and Blood Sugar Level Event Manager: HRDD Participants: 164 Regional Office Personnel Celebrating life, Progress, Milestones & Holistic WellbeingCelebrating life, Progress, Milestones & Holistic WellbeingEvent Manager: HRDD Participants: ALL ROP 30Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads 31Printing of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments andPrinting of Journal on TA Accomplishments and Notable Practices: 1st Issuance Event Manager: FTAD Participants: FTAD Personnel, TWG, SEPSs (SMME), PSDSs, School Heads Quarterly Meeting with DIOs and DPACsQuarterly Meeting with DIOs and DPACsEvent Manager: PAU Participants: RIO, RPAC, DIOs & DPACs Culmination program for the Nutrition Month CelebrationCulmination program for the Nutrition Month CelebrationEvent Manager: ESSD Participants: ALL ROP Regular BAC Meeting (Pre-Procurement/ Pre-BiddingRegular BAC Meeting (Pre-Procurement/ Pre-BiddingConferences/Opening of Bids for the Bidding & AMP Projects Event Manager: OARD Participants: BAC, BAC-TWG, BAC Secretariat, End-users